
Upload your film

Films should be no larger than 750mb
Films should be under 3 minutes in length
Ideally films should be shot in landscape not portrait

If you are under the age of 18 you must have the consent of a parent or guardian to participate in the stoke 100 event

Content Submission & Consent Agreement

By submitting your video content to the Love Stoke 100 project, you confirm that:

You give permission for Love Stoke 100 and its partners to use your video, including your image and voice, on our website, social media, and other promotional materials.

You have the right to use all images, videos, and content included in your submission.

If you are under 18, you have obtained permission from a parent or guardian to share your video.

Your content does not contain offensive, racist, homophobic, or otherwise harmful material.

By submitting, you agree to these terms and allow Love Stoke 100 to celebrate and share your content as part of this project.

If you have any questions, please contact us at
Happy helper Otis
Still not sure?

Take a look at some of the films already submitted